Saturday, February 20, 2010


Heyyo viewers!!....have nt been posting for quite a long time so i decided to update today..
Today,had match against Fengshan Pri Sku..went there did drills and practise while juniors starts the game.almost all the juniors there are so tall..they are taller then us..=(then for seniors we played indoor..the court was quite small..pratise before the match..we hvnt started the match and i alr fell down twice while defending yana..the GS I defended in Fengshan look so serious man,frm the start of the match till the end,she didn't even smile.played 4 matches altogetherGK/GK/GK/WA(Positions I played from the 1st to last match)back to sku reached sku abt 12odd...was so damn freaking late luhs...i dashed out of the bus and hoped in my's tuition was postponed...cos my tuition cher was down with food poisoning..
kays..tats all for today!!

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