Thursday, May 13, 2010


E.X.A.M.S are over!!!!! yay?! hahax....lets partay!! XD hahahax....garh!!! exams are over...English paper was ok...Chinese paper was paper was ok and math paper was oso okay...but when i did my paper 1 for math today,i was rushing through the paper..afraid tat i won't finish my paper in time..and didn't knw how to do quite alot of the questions in paper 1....sadded ='(...but aft recess when i did my paper 2...i was quite happy cos it was much easier then i thought it was..i thought it would be as difficult as the last exam...but surprisingly,it wasn't!! but can't do 2 question for paper 2...tmrw mayb getting back English paper...*nervous*...hope i could pass all my subjects =D


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