Saturday, June 26, 2010


Heya! so....last Wednesday after Chinese supple class at 11.30am,we( liang.nadine) bused down to bpp ...treated them to pizza hut..heart pain uh! hahax...spent lyk 60 bucks treating them...hahax...but nvm..hahax...anyways..after that went to shop shop..then saw nicole anne and Rachel yeo at Comics Connection..then walk walk inside...aft that we went to they said they will go and meet us at Daiso after that.then we went to Daiso..walk walk again...then play and laugh .talk and laugh..was damn effing fun luhs..hahax...then then...after awhile ...we went to the library..ahahx..sound so guai...but obviously ,we went in.but not to read..hahax..we chat-ed and laughed and camwhored...they kept taking pics of me uh...i kept hiding and dodging...=DD..then after tat i decided to go to Comics Connection everyone accompanied me...wanted to find smth to buy but end up walking out of the shop empty handed again...haiz..hax..then Eunice and the rest wanted to buy bubble tea we went to sweet talk aft tat...then walk and Kim decided to buy sushi so we each bought 3..then sat down and continue to talk and talk again...then laugh and laugh...then went home at arnd 4? i think..hahax...kays..tats all


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