Tuesday, March 30, 2010


muahahahx!!!!.....hahax...i knw its kinda weird for me to start a post lyk tat...but anyways...today,it was Nadine's and Clarissa's b'dae!!!..andand i forgotten to think of a plan to celebrate Nadine's b'dae..shit ass larh..hahax...luckily Dhalina reminded me abt it.during math lesson b4 recess,i was lyk making a card for Nadine and Ms Tam was lyk 'Rachel are u paying attention' or smth ..then aft awhile,Ms Tam caught Nadine drawing or smth..and she was lyk ' the whole group thr,drawing doesn't make you anywhere....' hahax...anyways.during recess the whole gang were lyk pretending to ignore Nadine..aft we ate,i asked Thishani to find a lower pri girl to pass Nadine the card i made for her..at first we can't find any little girl to do it..we were lyk walking arnd trying to grab any little girl we saw.damn freaking funny larh..in the end Thishani found a gerl..when the girl was walking towards Nadine,i was lyk..'oi oi oi,when Nadine saw the card right,everyone immediately shout Happy b'dae Nadine arh!.....muahahax..and we shouted freakin loud larh...she seriuosly gt a shock;)..yay!!!another party done!!.this was the third party i've planed..and the three of 'them' seriously worked and were damn freaking fun..i seriously scare them of...muahahax ...

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