Friday, April 16, 2010

Rock on babe !

heylo! update update update!!! ij had book idol..and it was damn freaking nice bt quite tiring for us although we were nt involved..hahax..its because we cheered lyk hell for Thishani man..we screamed and shouted b4 and aft she performed...some of us were so worried for Thishani cos we really really hoped that she would be the winner..finally our hard work paid off uh...hahax..she won!! yes!! rock on Thishani ..a pity Dharshini was absent..ohoh..then aft sku stayed back as usual with kakak(liyana) accompanying me..then actually i'm supposed to leave sku at 2.15 for then Ms Heng and Ms Yeo asked us to help then for Napfa..nt the real Napfa bt just to demonstrate...we tought tat only Ms Heng and Ms Yeo was gna be in the end,almost all the teachers, even the Principal and vice principal were thr at the indoor sports hall to watch us demonstrate...i demonstrated the shuttle run and the standing board jump..while liyana and blondelle one each..then aft helping we went to the library for awhile then went all for taday..tmrw as usual, netball training and tuition...

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